Serge in Art
Intrepid Theatre Company
“Scott, Heil and Bruce are equally matched in depicting the complicated 15-year history between the men. Singling out any of them is a disservice to how well they work with each other. The actors hold the attention of theatregoers whether conversing or narrating their inner thoughts.
– Talking Broadway David Dixon
“Heil, who carries himself with confidence, succeeds in bringing the conversation directly to the fore. He’s serious without being too in your space but willing to defend his decision in the face of losing his best friend Marc, perhaps. Heil, another of San Diego’s finest, is a perfect choice for Serge. He also looks best in Jeanne Reith’s outfits.”
–SD Jewish Times Carol Davis

Karl/Steve in Clybourne Park
San Diego Repertory Theatre
“It’s hard to say enough about the acting in Rep artistic chief Sam Woodhouse’s expertly directed production… Heil (in a brave and cringingly amusing performance).”
-San Diego Union Tribune James Hebert

"passion press"
Giorgio in Passion
ion theatre company
Nomination - Outstanding Leading Performance in a Musical -
SD Critics Circle Awards
“Jason Heil offers a leading man voice to Giorgio, but there is an almost gawky, imprecise innocence from Heil that validates his character’s gullibility and ingenuousness.”
- Stage & Cinema Tony Frankel
“Heil captures just the right amount of masculine privilege and blindness to bring off his role. If Giorgio has no perceivable depth, we miss the pathos of his breakdown and the reasons for his compassion as well as his need. As he says no one has ever loved him so completely before.”
- Charlene & Brenda in the Blogsphere Charlene Baldridge